Continuing Education Insurance Credits for Insurance Brokers in Canada

CE credit

Insurance brokers in Canada must fulfill annual CE credit requirements as set out by their local insurance council. ITC Education courses are accredited in select provinces and may also qualify in others on a one-off basis.

Licensed insurance brokers in Canada are required to take qualifying courses and training each year in order to maintain their license.  The number of continuing education (CE) hours (credits) that a broker needs to take varies by province and also by the broker’s professional designation (e.g. CAIB, CIB, CIP, FCIP, CRM). License requirements are governed by the insurance councils of each province and territory and licensees must submit their course listings annually.

How to get CE credits

All continuing education courses must be related to general insurance products and services in order to qualify as a credit. Additionally, they must be approved by the insurance council in the province of license. Licensees are required to keep a copy of their CE certificate as issued by the approved continuing education provider for a period of up to 5 years following completion in the event that there is an audit on CE courses and requirements.

CE credits for ITC courses

ITC Education is proud to be a CE Credit Provider for the following insurance councils in Canada:

  • Insurance Council of BC
  • Alberta Insurance Council
  • Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan
  • Insurance Council of Manitoba
  • Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario

You’ll find information on which courses qualify and the allotted credits for each on the CE/CPD page of our website. For jurisdictions not listed on our website, ITC courses may still qualify for CE or CPD credit but it is the student’s responsibility to verify this with the appropriate regulator.

CE requirement details

The following table outlines how many hours that brokers need each year for the above provinces, when brokers need to submit their list of courses, and whether or not any credits can be carried forward to the following year.

Province Annual CE Credit Requirement Certificate Term for CE
Carry-over allowed?
British Columbia


> Licensed >5 years: 6 credits/year
Approved designation* holder:
4 credits/year
June 1- May 31 No
Alberta 15 credits/year July 1- June 30 Yes: 7.5 CE hrs/year
Saskatchewan 25 years experience: 8 credits/year

Recognized designation: 8 credits/year

All other: 12 credits/year

As notified annually No
Manitoba 8 credits/year June 1- May 31 Yes, 4 CE hrs/year
Ontario Principle brokers: 10 credits/year

All others: 8 credits/year

October 1- September 30 Yes: equal to annual credits/year

*Approved Designations: CAIB, CIB, CIP, FCIP, CRM

Note:  The above table is for reference only. All information was accurate at the time of publication. Brokers are advised to confirm all details directly with their local insurance council as information may change.

[1] Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker (CAIB), Certified Insurance Broker (CIB), Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP), Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP), Canadian Risk Management (CRM)

Read more: What is a Self-Study CE/CPD Course?
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