Employment Practices Liability Insurance 101

This a must-take course for every executive, insurance broker, and HR professional!
Understand and be able to explain EPLI: when do organizations need it, how does it work, what are the key exposures and coverage options; as well as a look at current trends and issues .


What You Will Learn

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Perils Covered

What is covered and not covered under an employment practices liability insurance policy, including real-world claims examples.
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How to Buy

What do you need to do and know before buying employment practices liability insurance, questions to ask when securing coverage, and what to do in the event of a claim.
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Jurisdictional Differences

Jurisdictional differences in employment standards and the impact this has on employment practices liability insurance.
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Current Issues

Current issues impacting employment practices liability, the evolution of coverage, and why this coverage should be an important part of risk management strategy.

Learning Objectives

By the time you’ve completed this course you’ll be equipped to:

  1. Explain what Employment Practices Liability Insurance is, why it’s important and who needs it;
  2. Summarize who is covered by EPLI;
  3. Determine what is, and what is not covered by EPLI;
  4. Illustrate how third-party EPLI works;
  5. Describe what happens in the event of an EPLI claim;
  6. Advise on what to keep in mind when buying EPLI, and current trends impacting EPLI.

Course Curriculum

  • Welcome to Employment Practices Liability Insurance 101 (“EPLI 101”)
  • Course Resources
  • Introduction & Objectives
  • What is EPLI?
  • Who’s an injured party?FREE PREVIEW
  • Key Coverages in EPLI
  • The evolving nature of employment practices liabilityFREE PREVIEW
  • How jurisdictional differences impact EPLI
  • Quiz – The Basics of EPLI
  • How does EPLI coverage work? Introduction
  • Who is covered by an EPLI policy?
  • What is covered by EPLI?
  • What is covered? Discrimination & HarassmentFREE PREVIEW
  • What is covered? Dismissal & Retaliation
  • What is covered? Invasion of Privacy & Negligent Hiring
  • What is covered? Wage & Hour
  • What is covered? Third Party EPLI
  • Moral Hazard
  • What is not covered by an EPLI policy?
  • Quiz – Understanding EPLI
  • EPLI Claims – Introduction
  • What constitutes a claim in EPLI? Elements of a claim
  • What is “wrongful act”?
  • What is “claim”?
  • What is “loss”?
  • When to report a claim?
  • Why should claims be reported as soon as practicable?
  • Key considerations on EPLI claims
  • Reporting a potential claim
  • How EPLI claims are handled?
  • Resolving EPLI Claims – Tribunals & Courts
  • Quiz – In the event of an EPLI claim
  • A Buyer’s Guide to Employment Practices Liability – Introduction
  • What to do before buying EPLI?
  • Know why you need EPLI
  • Selecting an insurer
  • Understanding EPLI Basics: Stand Alone or Combined Policy?
  • Understanding EPLI Basics: Policy Period, Extended Reporting Period & Geographical location
  • What to buy? A look at the insuring agreements in an EPLI policy
  • Policy declarations and general terms and conditions: Liability limits and sub-limits
  • Policy declarations and general terms and conditions: retention or deductible
  • Policy declarations and general terms and conditions: Reporting and Notice
  • Policy declarations and general terms and conditions: Changes in Exposure and Cancellation
  • Policy declarations and general terms and conditions: Arbitration, Subrogation and Other Insurance
  • Policy declarations and general terms and conditions: Defence and Settlement
  • Policy declarations and general terms and conditions: Representation and Severability
  • Quiz – Buyers Guide
  • Current trends – Introduction
  • #MeToo Movement
  • Gender identity & washroom access
  • Cannabis legalization
  • Covid 19 Pandemic
  • Remote Working
  • Quiz – Current trends impacting EPLI
  • Course Survey
  • EPLI101 Exam

About ITC courses

ITC takes pride in delivering high quality, unbiased courses on professional and management liability insurance and related topics. Designed specifically for online delivery, our courses are interactive, include activities and quizzes, use practical illustrations and real-life case studies and deliver knowledge in bite-sized portions so even just 5 minutes is  learning time well spent.

How we build courses

ITC courses are the product of a collaborative approach. We work closely with subject matter experts to build out course content, the ITC design team brings that content to life, and no course is published before undergoing an intense review by an industry panel. Our process also includes post-publication reviews and updates because ITC is committed to delivering quality courses that remain accurate, relevant and up-to-date, long after they are first published.


Chief Operating Officer, Energy Company

ITC’s D&O and EPLI courses helped me understand the insurance proposals we receive AND to explain to my executive team and board members the risks we can (and cannot) manage through insurance.

David Marsh, Partner, Broker

Most insurance courses are either pitched at people learning about the subject for the first time or jump straight into advanced topics. The ITC courses do a great job for all learners and I particularly liked the online format since you can either spend time starting from the beginning or quickly move on to the areas of most interest to you. The course material also went beyond insurance policy language – addressing risk management, claims processes, what buyers should consider, and more.

Broker, Australia

ITC effectively tackles complex subject matters in a very creative manner. I would highly recommend to anyone looking to broaden their understanding.

Broker, Canada

Great way to enjoy an evolving subject matter. Thank you ITC, enjoyed that!

Broker, Canada

ITC has done it again! This is the most comprehensive course on Employment Practices Liability I’ve ever seen. The subject matter is presented clearly and broken into subsets allowing you to spend only a few minutes or longer as your time permits. Examples are applicable to real-life situations. Excellent for new and established professionals!

Manager, SVP, Canada

I’ve been in the insurance industry for over 20 years and this is by far the best educational material I have seen! Great for new and established professionals!


Frequently Asked Questions

With ITC, you can take any course at any time. For the best learning experience, a prerequisite may be recommended in the course description.

At ITC, we want to hear from you! Our courses are specifically developed to provide relevant and up-to-date training on insurance topics. If there is something you’d like to learn or explore and we don’t have the course, please reach out!

We take pride in providing up-to-date relevant courses! ITC is committed to reviewing all course content at least once a year and making any necessary updates or additions to course materials.

We provide a digital certificate of completion for all successfully completed courses.

All ITC courses and subscriptions are priced in USD.

When you purchase a single course you will receive lifetime access to the course from any device. This includes any future updates to course materials.

We offer a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee on all our courses. If you are not happy with your ITC course purchase you have up to 30 days from your original date of purchase to contact ITC at [email protected] to request a full refund. All we ask is that you provide us with the reason for your refund request. It is feedback from clients like you that helps us to improve our courses.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance 101

5 star rating


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